I am glad the people occupying Wall Street have not given up in spite of the NYC's many efforts to remove them. I am upset at the police officers that have to intervene when the demonstrations get a little out of hand. I understand that they are just doing their job, what their superiors tell them to do, but I do not think they understand that they are on the same side as the Wall Street protesters. Soon their jobs will be in jeopardy as well, and maybe they will come to their senses and join the protest or start demonstrating themselves.
A lot of politicians have come to give a little lip service to this event, or events plural as they have sprung up in other cities as well, but still no one is taking any real action.
If the wealthy one percent really cared, what they should do is hold a jobs fair at Zuccotti Park and make sure all of the protesters have what everyone wants, a decent paying job and some dignity. But as you guessed, they don't care. These protests could swell to massive riots and they still wouldn't care. They know they have the politicians right in their pockets and that plutocracy with prevail.
Corporate America's profits are the only things swelling right now and yet they still have no interest in creating jobs in this country. Republicans, the purveyors of plutocracy, only propose more breaks for big business, small business and the wealthy. They have plenty of breaks, big business doesn't pay any taxes usually, and they still haven't created any jobs. You can give the top one percent all the breaks in the world, but it won't matter, they still won't do anything for the American economy in return. Republicans don't get it, there is no return on your money when you invest in the wealthy.
Again if they really cared, you would see a big job's fair in NYC, but they don't. That is why it is up to government to step in and create jobs for these people, but they won't either because the wealthy have the politicians in their pockets. The plutocratic powers-that-be will continue to shrink government leading to even more layoffs. Someone needs to take action, someone needs to come to our aide, to help out the Wall Street protesters, but no one ever will.
A lot of politicians have come to give a little lip service to this event, or events plural as they have sprung up in other cities as well, but still no one is taking any real action.
If the wealthy one percent really cared, what they should do is hold a jobs fair at Zuccotti Park and make sure all of the protesters have what everyone wants, a decent paying job and some dignity. But as you guessed, they don't care. These protests could swell to massive riots and they still wouldn't care. They know they have the politicians right in their pockets and that plutocracy with prevail.
Corporate America's profits are the only things swelling right now and yet they still have no interest in creating jobs in this country. Republicans, the purveyors of plutocracy, only propose more breaks for big business, small business and the wealthy. They have plenty of breaks, big business doesn't pay any taxes usually, and they still haven't created any jobs. You can give the top one percent all the breaks in the world, but it won't matter, they still won't do anything for the American economy in return. Republicans don't get it, there is no return on your money when you invest in the wealthy.
Again if they really cared, you would see a big job's fair in NYC, but they don't. That is why it is up to government to step in and create jobs for these people, but they won't either because the wealthy have the politicians in their pockets. The plutocratic powers-that-be will continue to shrink government leading to even more layoffs. Someone needs to take action, someone needs to come to our aide, to help out the Wall Street protesters, but no one ever will.