Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Interesting times...a more literal middle-class massacre.

In the 1990s it had been popular to quote a supposedly ancient Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times."  Well, here we are.  I have all but abandoned this blog, but with all of the strange goings-on, I thought it might be good to share my take on what is happening with this current pandemic situation.

Again, it is really hard for a working-class person to keep up a blog like this.  Too many times life gets in the way.  And unlike many unfortunate others, I still have my job, which is good because it looks like Google has stripped my ability to collect ad revenue.  This doesn't matter because I wasn't collecting any anyway. 

In future posts, I hopefully share with you my speculation as to what lead us to this tragedy and what the powers-that-be are doing to make sure that working-class people's lives remain miserable.