Sunday, January 24, 2010

Health Care Reform that I would like to see..

Well, it looks like health care reform is probably dead in the water now that Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate went to Republican Scott Brown. Massachusetts seems to be rapidly going from a liberal Democrat state to a conservative Republican state, and given the amount of educated people there and the fact that there are no jobs for educated people in MA, you would think that this wouldn't happen.

Anyway as I have stated before if this health care reform plan doesn't take off, you won't see anyone take a middle ground. As a working class American currently with health care benefits, there are two reforms that I would like to see. One, if they could force doctors and hospitals to take anything qualifying as health insurance and not give them a choice as to whether or not to be a participated provider. I would like to see a mandate from Congress that says, if you are a doctor or hospital and you want to practice medicine you must accept all health insurance, there is no choice to opt out.

Two, medical offices, health insurance, and hospitals have to be run as not-for-profits, this way there will be no temptation from these organizations to give profits priority over peoples lives.

Members of congress are so out of touch with reality that they would never propose such things. I hope Obama's strategy calls for some contingencies, and they just don't give up like the Clintons did back in the 1990s.

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