Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another big problem for retailers: Flash robs

I just saw a report on television about the "flash rob" that went down at "The Mall of America" in Minnesota. A flash rob is when a large group of people get together at a set time using social media like Facebook or Twitter and plan a robbery. The retailers and law enforcement are overwhelmed by the number people and cannot effectively deal with the situation.

Events like this will add to burden that owners of brick-and-mortar stores have to face, and ultimately lead to them not being economically competitive and shutting down.

Again here, the Internet is to blame for the changing economy, an economy that cannot support enough jobs for the people who want and need them. So far law enforcement has yet to come up with an effective method in dealing with them. If they ever do, I bet it will be really expensive, and there will be no way to pay for it with constant right-wing movement to eliminate government and government jobs.

Also, if the kids in this latest "flash rob" had jobs they wouldn't have had to participate in this phenomenon. My guess is that the kids who participated in this came from poor homes, and the Internet is now being used to have the poor turn on the middle class in their most sacred of haunts, the shopping mall. And this all happens while the wealthy watch from a safe distance.

To recap, as the middle class dies, the malls will close, and the poor masses will be left to riot on the streets. And we will have the Internet to thank for it all.

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