Saturday, May 19, 2012

France and Greece: Just say no to austerity!

Wall Street was in an uproar when France and Greece used their right to vote to oust elected government officials that imposed austerity measures causing their economic downturn to be much worse than the one in the United States. Now I believe the same thing is about to happen in Germany.

When businesses will not spend their money and banks will not loan their money, it is up to the government to step in as the big spender. This what happened in the United States with the United States government's bail out of Wall Street. Our recession/depression would have been a lot worse if they did not step in this role. I would even argue that the United States hasn't done enough. If they knew what they were doing they would raise taxes on the top one percent of earners and use the money to create nice government jobs for people out of work, but the right-wing nut jobs corrupting our government will not let that happen.

Right-wingers want to seem the same austerity measures here while sending as many American jobs to overseas as possible. They want small government because big government cost money and the wealthy are the only ones with the money to pay for big government.

Republicans do not want the economy to get better, they want it to get worse. In his book "Greedy Bastards" Daniel Ratigan, quotes minutes from a Dallas Federal Reserve meeting showing that Richard Fisher, its president is very disappointed that more jobs are not going overseas to make American labor costs cheaper.

Europeans seem to know that this is what this recession is all about. The wealthy want to move as many jobs over to Asia as possible to make labor costs as cheap as possible globally. They do not want businesses to create jobs in the West because labor is too expensive here, and the only remedy is to send as many jobs away as possible.

They want us to all be like Foxxcon employees in mainland China. They work in labor camp like conditions for a about $2.00 an hour, and the only recreational outlet they have is to commit suicide. This what the wealthy people want for the entire world.

Thankfully, European voters are not letting the rich pull the wool over their eyes. I hope Americans will follow suit and make sure that Republicans stay out of office.

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