What will his strategy or, "statergery" as George W. Bush was known to call it, for creating new jobs.
Are lots and lots of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, and big business the answer? I don't think so. If you put more money in the hands of the wealthy who says they are going to spend it? Why not just invest in gold, stocks and bonds and forget about creating jobs? If you give more tax cuts to big business they will only invest countries like mainland China where the labor costs are low, China should probably have plenty of jobs in the future thanks to people like Romney.
Will it be through austerity measures? You know the Republicans are into shrinking government. Therefore the massive downsizing of government and the laying off of thousands upon thousands of government workers would create more jobs? How does that work?
Would keeping interest rates low so his Wall Street buddies can continue to play high-stakes casino with our economy be the answer? Another burst bubble and companies folding like Lehman Brothers would create more jobs for sure.
Will cutting back on social programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid be the answer? By forcing baby boomers to stay in the workforce longer to retain a decent standard of living and benefits, the job market will remain closed to young workers looking for their first job.
Would ending Obamacare create jobs? With not everyone having to have insurance, insurance companies would not have to hire all those extra people to cope with the new higher demand for insurance coverage.
Mitt shouldn't focus on defending his reputation, it is just not worth it. What he should focus on is showing the American people his great plan for creating jobs, which he won't because he has no plan or intention of creating jobs, at least not in this country. The media should really stick it to him, and demand to know his plan for turning around the American economy, because I don't think he really has any.
An alternate retort Romney could have come up with would be to say, "Hey look President Obama, if you think off-shoring is a bad thing, you had four years to get Congress to pass legislation to stop off-shoring and you did nothing." Of course the problem with that is Romney has no interest in stopping off-shoring when elected President and apparently neither will President Obama.
Neither of these candidates want to help this country. The American voter's choices are really between the devil and the deep blue sea.