Monday, July 9, 2012

Only clean elections and an end to corporate lobbying can save America...

Abraham Lincoln in his famous Gettysburg address said that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."  I am not sure that it ever existed, at least not in the United States, especially not now.

What we have now in the United States is a government for the wealthy, the multi-national corporations, and any special interest that can rub more than two Lincoln pennies together.   And because of this the U.S. government appears to have its policy skewed on a seemingly inexorable path to the destruction of the middle class and everything that set America apart from the rest of the world. 
The only way to really have a democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people is for a constitutional amendment that will put an end to corporations, and the wealthy lobbying congress, and financing their political candidates of choice.

Only individuals should have the right to lobby the legislative and executive branches, and election campaigns should be entirely state run to put every candidate on an equal footing. 

However, the problem lies in the old saying "Money talks and BS walks."  There is little incentive for politicians to do the right thing and enact campaign finance reform.  There is great incentive for them to line their pockets with cash, which in any other profession would be called payola, and be totally illegal.  And suggesting that lobbying come to end would be unconstitutional. 

The Constitution needs to be amended to protect the rights of and empower the individual and greatly limit the rights of corporate entities.  Then we can really have the government Lincoln envisioned.

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