Sunday, May 26, 2013

Koch brothers' attempts to buy up major media.

It looks like the oil billionaire Koch brothers are allegedly trying to buy-up newspapers and such in major markets to, I would speculate, make them all right-wing, free-market, and supply-side economics propaganda machines.  I think this is something that Rupert Murdoch has been doing with Fox for quite some time now.

We are somewhat lucky that people get their news from so many different sources today, not just newspapers, radio and television, but also Internet sources like search engines, Facebook, and even blogs...

Say....if the Koch brothers wanted me to stop writing this blog, all they would have to do is pay me $300,000, chump change for them.  I could change it from "Middle Class Massacre" to something like "Plutocrat's Party."  And say things like,  "What we really need is more tax-breaks for the wealthy individuals, and large corporations, yeah, and have an open door to immigrants to keep labor costs down, and deregulating banks and letting Wall Street do whatever it wants is best for the economy, yeah that sounds good."    Or perhaps just stop writing it altogether.   I'll be waiting for my check...

Hopefully, the right-wing won't be able to buy up every possible media venue, but it is amazing what you can do with a lot cash and determination. 

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