Monday, January 9, 2012

Don't believe the [insert adjective here] media.

This past summer, some right-wing nut job posted signs all over the town where I work that stated "Don't Believe the Liberal Media!"  The first thing that came to my mind when I saw those signs was that they should read "Don't Believe the Corporate Controlled"Media." 

I personally feel that the media is far from liberal.  It focuses on criminal trials of celebrities and baby murderers and totally ignores or downplays topics like the fact that US Debt exceeds our GDP, that we appear to be in an endless war in the Middle East that we cannot afford, that information technology as well as move to free trade is taking away jobs from Americans, that political lobbies run by multinational corporations, and other special interest groups hold more sway over government than do the needs of the American people, and that we cannot have clean elections without violating the rights of multinational corporate entities, that claim that they have the same rights as individual American citizens.

Over the past several years laws have loosened up about corporate media control and the amount of media a company can control nationwide and in specific markets and this has had an overall detrimental effect on news coverage, but the media won't report that either.

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