Saturday, January 28, 2012

Obama's State of the Union Address.

Obama said a lot of great things in his State of the Union Address the other night.  It is very frustrating that he and the American people know the path that we should be on, but it seems impossible to get the rest of government on the right track.

One of my Facebook friends posted what I guess was a mock bumper sticker that said "Republicans 2012: Keeping millions out of work to put one man out of a job."  which about sums up what is going on in Congress.  They all know what the right thing to do is, but because of their own political agendas they won't even bother to try doing it.   And on their agenda is making sure Obama is not re-elected.

What is really scary is Newt Gingrich portraying himself as underdog of the middle class when he is just the opposite. 

I would rather have a do nothing President like Obama than a phony like Gingrich who will tell everyone that is going to put out the fire while not bothering to tell everyone that he will be using gasoline. 

Our path to economic destruction appears to be inexorable, it is just a matter if you want to take the slow route with a do nothing President like Obama or the quick route with a Republican president.

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