Friday, June 29, 2012

Please just give Obamacare a chance....

What a surprise the supreme court did something kind-hearted for a change and let the Obamacare legislation stand as is! 

I think the future effects on the economy will probably put an end to it without the GOP's plan for continued fierce opposition.  Republicans are getting all riled-up for no reason   Well, the reason probably is they want to just oppose Obama for the 2012 election in spite of Romney passing similar legislation in Massachusetts when he was governor there.  I think they should just give it a rest and give Obamacare a chance, and see what happens.

I believe healthcare premiums will now go through the roof, and it is not like they haven't been doing that anyway.   Health insurance companies will soon have to insure everyone regardless of per-existing conditions, which I would imagine would raise the cost of premiums.  Last year my work's healthcare plan's cost only went-up only 3.6 percent, a far cry from the 12 to 15 percent it had usually gone up in the previous years.  I think they were holding back waiting for the supreme court ruling.  If the Supreme Court held off until 2013, I think I would have seen an other year of a moderate premium increase.  Now that the Supreme Court has made its decision, premiums will now get back on their sky-rocket increase trajectory.  It was a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.  If the Supreme Court shot the Obamacare legislation down the health insurance companies would sing the MC Hammer song "Can't Touch This"  thinking they are now invincible and then drive premiums up.  But now, since the Supreme Court has upheld Obamacare, insurance companies are going to get their revenge by raising premiums to new astronomical highs. 

The bottom-line is that the medical profession and the health insurance industry both know the variant of the old science fiction villain cliche, "You will pay for your life, dearly."  And you will.  Without price caps doctors and insurance companies can charge anything they want, and they will.  Obamacare is likely to fail as an alternative to the current mess we have now, but I think we should at least give it a chance to see the actual effect on the market.

A social medicine system similar to what they have in the UK is what we need, but we remain light years away from it.    

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