Sunday, November 25, 2012

Don't want social medicine? How about at least socializing medical school.

I still hear a lot of grunting and groaning about Obamacare.  One left-wing news feed I get on Facebook, was making fun of the owners of Papa John's pizza who were, I guess, noteworthy opponents to Obamacare.   The news feed author claimed that all Papa John's has to do is raise their pizza prices by 14 cents a pie and they will be able to offer health care to their workers without a problem.  I guess this is just to illustrate how ridiculous corporate America's stance is on this issue.

Anyway, I think a major issue we face with or without Obamacare is rising medical costs which seem to greatly outpace inflation.  Without government imposed price-caps on medical service, the only way I can see that they could contain costs is making sure that there is an abundant supply of doctors.

With the baby boomers all starting to head towards the golden years, the demand for medical care will go up greatly, and the supply of doctors in the United States will not most likely meet the demand.  This will lead to even higher medical costs. 

Making sure that there is a plentiful supply of doctors should be a priority for Washington, but it doesn't look like they want to do anything about it.  One step they could take is to put a lot money into medical school scholarships.  Free tuition may give a lot more people the incentive to go to medical school  Once the supply doctors is increased medical costs should go down. 

The US government should also give green cards and medical licenses to any foreign born person who can pass the board certifications exams for medical doctor.  Having the most competition possible is the only way we can curb costs. 

The time to take action is now, by the time the 2013 college graduates can enroll and complete medical school there will be more old people in the United States than ever before.  Write your local congressperson and tell them that we need more doctors now and government has to make sure that physicians’ ranks increase as quickly as possible. 

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