Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Let's jump off the "Fiscal Cliff" and see what happens!

I don't like all of this media hype about the "fiscal cliff' we are going to fall off of if we let the Bush tax cuts expire in 2013.  Did you notice that no one bothered to mention this before the Presidential election?  All of the sudden this is a big problem, but I don't think it is really. 

If there is such a great concern over the deficit then increased tax revenues when the Bush tax-cuts end will certainly be welcomed.    I don't think it will slow economic growth much more than it is now.

President Obama has to behave like a real lame-duck and stand his ground on this issue and make sure wealthy people pay their fair share of taxes.   "Well, if you tax all the wealthy, how will they create all those jobs people need?" you ask.   We are not taxing them so much now, and they are not creating jobs.  American workers are a bad investment, we are too expensive, they would rather hire capable Chinese workers who are available in the hundreds of millions at the fraction of the price.  And even better Obama-care doesn't extend to China, so they won't have to worry about providing health care for those people.

Also we have to look at history.  Traditionally, when taxes on the wealthy have been increased the economy has improved.  Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman in his book "End This Depression Now." says that there is no real provable correlation between raising taxes on the wealthy and economic improvement, that it just looks like it could be a coincidence that the economy improves when taxes are raised on the wealthy.  However, I think there could be a real correlation.  Perhaps when the wealthy start realizing that they will have to start picking up the tax bill, they start working on fixing the economy in order to have the tax burden shifted back on the middle class.  They really want to run the economy into the ground, that is why they are having the Republicans in the House trying to stand their ground on not raising taxes on the wealthy.  I am by no means Nobel Prize material, so what really do I know, but let's raise taxes on the wealthy and see what happens.

President Obama, please be a real lame-duck and don't let John Boehner and Mitch McConnell walk all over you.  Please grab hold of them and force them to jump down the "fiscal cliff" with everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. It is likely that both sides will come to some kind of agreement before the deadline.
