Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Those annoying ads from Thomas Peterffy.

During the presidential election campaign, we were bombarded by ads from billionaire Thomas Peterffy telling us how bad things were in the socialist country of Hungary where he was born, and how we had to get Mitt Romney into office because along with making the rich poorer, socialism would make poor poorer as well.  He allegedly spent eight million dollars of his own money on this message, which I am sure was chump-change for him.

The only problem is that Hungary did not really have a socialist system.  They were under control by a Soviet military dictatorship pretending to be communism. 

Peterffy fails to mention in his ads the success of Norway's socialist democracy, and that Norwegians enjoy a better standard of living than Americans do. 

What I really would like to see is a study of Scandinavian socialist countries and what makes it work for them, and why can't we make socialism work in the United States.  The corporate controlled media seems to steer clear of this topic.  There also doesn't appear to be any American based academics interested in this topic.  I think Norway's socialist policies could be applied to the United States, and our employment situation and quality of life would improve greatly.

Of course Thomas Peterffy is only interested in hanging on to his billions, and not interested in helping the masses.  For the wealthy there is no common good.  Common is bad, and only rich is good. 

There is also the problem that President Obama's policies are far from socialist which probably helped get him re-elected.

Don't worry Thomas Peterffy you will have plenty of money for the rest of your life.  Instead of warning Americans about how bad socialism is, why don't you go back to Hungary and straighten things out there.  I think they could use your help, once the Soviets withdrew from Hungary things only got worse economy-wise for them.  I am sure that you could show them just how great the capitalist system is and how it can work for them.  Good luck.

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