Instead of the ultra-conservative right-wingers trying capitalize on Donald Trump's appeal, they are, of course, flat-out denouncing him as a viable candidate for President. A recent issue of the conservative magazine "The National Review" has the front cover dedicated to a multi-author feature entitled "Conservatives Against Trump." The feature's authors go down a laundry list of how Trump is not aligned with conservative movement and therefore not a viable Republican candidate.
Trump is of course winning most of his primaries and caucuses and most likely will continue to do so, because what he says, no matter how nastily he says it, is more in line with what Americans want to hear.
The conservative movement is really for the top 1 percent of earners and magazines like "The National Review," "The Weekly Standard" and news organizations like Fox are out to market it to the masses. They refuse to see that Trump's success shows that their message is no longer getting through to the American people. They cannot keep saying that, "white is black" (or in an economic sense "red is black") and get away with it.
I still think that the top 1 percenters and the Tea Partiers are going to continue to denounce Trump every chance they get, and when the time comes for the Republican convention, they will push delegates into voting for the number two candidate instead of Trump. Whether or not this actually happens, at some point Trump will get disgusted and run as a third-party independent candidate.
I do not think Trump is a serious candidate for United States and he may only be there to help ensure Clinton gets voted into the White House. I can't imagine he says the things he says in such a tactless manner and expects to be taken seriously. I am willing to bet if Sanders gets the Democratic nomination Trump will drop out of the race altogether. We can just wait and see what happens.
And to make things worse, billionaire and former NYC Mayor, is also considering running for President as an independent. I think his candidacy will be more about the hot button issue of gun control, and upset conservatives even further by ensuring a Republican loss. Whatever happens it is going to be a very interesting election year.
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