Benjamin Franklin said "Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes."
Well, we all know conservative rich people all hate taxes and they will do their darnedest not pay them. But try as they might, and no matter how much money they have, the truth is that they are going to die, just like you and me. They might live longer or more fulfilling lives than you or me, but there is no guarantee of that.
The thing that rich people don't want you to realize is that in reality because of death, in the end, when it comes right down to it, they are no better than you, and no one is really better than anyone else. Perhaps there will be rewards in an afterlife if you lived a good life and you did God's will, but I don't think many rich people believe that. Some religions and cultures don't even believe in an afterlife.
And I don't think many wealthy conservative Christians really believe in an afterlife. If they did they would be much more in to sharing their wealth for the common good. I believe they are just going through the motions. They probably see Christianity as a tool to control other people, so they can make sure their lives stay under control.
In John Dean's book "Conservatives without Conscience" he tells of sociopaths called "Double High Authoritarians" who hold everyone to a high standards of behavior, while they themselves often misbehave and consider themselves to be a above the law. Tele-Evangelists Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker were two examples of this.
Well, now you now why rich people are so selfish, and why government must force them to share through taxes.
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