From Al Gore to your local school children the pressure to conserve resources, recycle, and preserve life on this planet is coming at us from many directions. I think Mother Earth is shouting at us herself with the depleted ozone layer and the melting ice caps; scary stuff.
What no one ever calls for anymore is population control. This seemed to be a concern in the late sixties and early seventies, but it has vanished completely from the media and pop culture. Does anyone remember the movie "Soylent Green"? This seems to be a taboo topic, perhaps because it goes against God's command in the bible, to be fruitful and multiply. The Catholoic Church and Right-to-Life conservative Christians are not really helping things either these days.
And while some countries like Japan and Italy are reporting population shirnkage, coutries like the good old USA are picking up their slack.
I realize that it is moraly wrong to take away peoples' reproductive rights (but don' t tell that to the mainland Chinese with their great "one child" policy). But you can give them incentives not to have children. For example let's take away the income tax deduction we give to people with children. Let's stop giving welfare moms more money with each child they have.
I would go as far as giving school tax refund and other government sanctioned incentives to people who are voluntarily steralized and have no children. It's a radical idea that will surely be faced with great oposition, but not really for the reasons that you might think.
You see the upper class, the wealthy people of the world, understand the basic laws of supply and demand, if the supply of laborers goes down then the cost of employing them will go up. This will then cause inflation to go up which means that rich people will have to pay more for their yatchs, mansions, and luxury cars among other things.
However it is a much greater cost if the earth is destroyed and man, more than any other force on this Earth, has proven to be its great destroyer. We must listen to Al Gore and other green proponents, but we must also consider the fact that the best way to preseve this world's resources is to use less of them, and the best way to do this is to have fewer people.
What no one ever calls for anymore is population control. This seemed to be a concern in the late sixties and early seventies, but it has vanished completely from the media and pop culture. Does anyone remember the movie "Soylent Green"? This seems to be a taboo topic, perhaps because it goes against God's command in the bible, to be fruitful and multiply. The Catholoic Church and Right-to-Life conservative Christians are not really helping things either these days.
And while some countries like Japan and Italy are reporting population shirnkage, coutries like the good old USA are picking up their slack.
I realize that it is moraly wrong to take away peoples' reproductive rights (but don' t tell that to the mainland Chinese with their great "one child" policy). But you can give them incentives not to have children. For example let's take away the income tax deduction we give to people with children. Let's stop giving welfare moms more money with each child they have.
I would go as far as giving school tax refund and other government sanctioned incentives to people who are voluntarily steralized and have no children. It's a radical idea that will surely be faced with great oposition, but not really for the reasons that you might think.
You see the upper class, the wealthy people of the world, understand the basic laws of supply and demand, if the supply of laborers goes down then the cost of employing them will go up. This will then cause inflation to go up which means that rich people will have to pay more for their yatchs, mansions, and luxury cars among other things.
However it is a much greater cost if the earth is destroyed and man, more than any other force on this Earth, has proven to be its great destroyer. We must listen to Al Gore and other green proponents, but we must also consider the fact that the best way to preseve this world's resources is to use less of them, and the best way to do this is to have fewer people.
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