Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No place for middle class people to save their money.

With the stock market on a downward spiral, and interest rates very low there really is no safe place for working class people to save their money and get a decent return. Even the bond market is not that safe. When Wall Street had a meltdown back in September I had several bond funds that also took a big plunge. There was such a panic that people were selling off their bond funds, even when everyone knows that bond funds are usually safe havens in troubled times. It was very scary. Luckily the bond market recovered and the funds climbed up to normal levels, but it’s impossible to find a safe investment with a return over .05 percent.

A lot of the books that help you plan your retirement ask that you put away a substantial sum of money and are expecting you to have a rate of return of 5% or higher that’s just not possible without taking risks these days.

Well there is always real estate to invest in. My parents home is worth about 20 times what they originally paid for it forty years ago, but the even real estate market is not stable, and with all of the jobs disappearing, I doubt there will be many people looking for homes anytime soon.

Federal Reserve must go for broke and gradually raise interest rates to a more reasonable level. The interest rate was lowered to keep the stock market going, but that’s just one aspect of the economy. We need to adopt a new interest rate philosophy that includes the middle class American that needs to save for his or her retirement.

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