Thursday, January 1, 2009

Oil's price is whatever the market will sustain!

I read somewhere, I'm not sure it was a reliable source, so I will not try to find it, that the supply of oil is really so abundant that gasoline prices could be a lot cheaper, like ten-cents-a-gallon cheap. I'm sure you can find out more on your local conspiracy website. With the big dip in oil prices recently, I'm starting to believe this.

I also believe that whatever "green" sources of alternate energy make it to the mass market (if they every do) oil will manage to drop its prices to undersell it and undermine any fledgling new energy business.

And, I think high prices that we have been paying for the past few years are in no way connected to higher demand from China and other countries with growing industries, but they are connected to our involvement to Afghanistan and Iraq. This current dip in prices could be a reward for electing President Obama who will hopefully establish better diplomatic relationships with the Middle East.
Just a theory.

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